DirectorPrivate Acting Coach
Theatrical Consultant
Private Classes
6-Week Simulated Audition Class Each Simulated Audition Class is a two (2) hour session. Coaching Announcement with Testimonials:
1st Week - Actor must bring their picture & resume & be prepared
to be interviewed and present 2 monologues,
(comedy & dramatic) - no more than 2 minutes for each.
2nd Week -- Cold Reading Audition
3rd Week -- Monologue Audition (from 1st week's notes)
4th Week -- Cold Reading Audition
5th Week -- Interview/ Monologue/Cold Reading
(Actor given role to prepare for 6th class)
6th Week -- Prepared Role in Scene(s)Please submit any and all questions to:
Please call (310) 985--5519 regarding booking time and ratesHome - About Method - Private Coaching - Private Classes - Biography - Body of Work
New Business - Contact Info